The Assyrian Christians are also a notable minority that lives in north and northeast Syria. 亚述人基督教徒也是一个显著的少数民族,他们居住在叙利亚北部和东北部。
The Braslav Lake District situated in the north and northeast of the country is ideal destination for boating holidays. 坐落在南部和东南部的Braslav湖区则是假日划艇的理想之地。
Skiing only caught on for ordinary Chinese in the mid-1990s in the country` s north and northeast, but has since blossomed into a pastime that can be practised nationwide. 上世纪90年代中期,滑雪还只是北方以及东北地区老百姓专属的运动,但该运动后来已发展成为风靡全国的一项娱乐消遣。
These EASM modes affect Chinese summer rainfall variation, particularly in north and northeast China. 这些夏季风模态均对中国降水变化产生影响,特别是在华北和东北地区。
Lens and the wall that the door occupies cannot be in southern, lavabo, flower is aspersed and birdbath appropriate is put in north, northeast or east. 镜和门所占的墙不可在南方,洗手盆、花洒和水盆宜放在北、东北或东方。
Key Shelterbelt Construction Program in North, Northeast and Northwest China and the Lower-Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River. Study on Remote Sensing Inversion of Soil Erosion in the Region of Forest Protection Project at Middle Yangtze River 三北和长江中下游地区等重点防护林建设工程。长江中游防护林水土流失遥感反演监测研究
Fanshi east west Yuanping, five south, adjoin Shanyin North, Northeast and phase should be the county, adjacent to the northwest and Shuozhou. 东邻繁峙,西接原平,南界五台,北毗山阴,东北与应县相接,西北与朔州毗邻。
North of the northwest of our country, China north, northeast western area once forest lush of dense, prairie, farm is fecund, breed goes bright civilization. 我国的西北、华北北部、东北西部地区曾经森林茂密、草原丰美、农田肥沃,孕育出灿烂文明。
Shanhaiguan is located at the junction of North and Northeast, Beiyi Emerald Group Yanshan mountain ranges, South lapel vastness of the Bohai Sea. 山海关位于华北与东北的交界处,北倚群峦叠翠的燕山,南襟烟波浩淼的渤海。
Comparison of physical state of the upper mantle beneath North and northeast china: information from mantle-derived xenoliths 我国东北与华北上地幔某些物理状态特征的比较:来自幔源包体的信息
The Bohai Sea could be quickly filled up with the silt of Yellow River, but the changing of Bohai Sea into land is quite harmful to North and Northeast China with respect to climate, hydrology etc. 以黄河泥沙填于渤海指日可待,而渤海变陆,对华北、东北的气候、水文、环境等都十分不利。
North and Northeast China ⅴ e. 华北、东北区;Ⅴe。
Tangshan city centre is seated on bulge compound shallow Karst area which is north northeast and north-west direction. 唐山市中心区座落于NNE向和NW向隆起复合部位浅埋岩溶区。
The results indicated that the desertification degree was relatively severe in the north and northeast of Zhangwu County, while it was light in the midst and the south. 结果表明:农田沙化程度分布从总体来看,彰武北部和东北部地区沙化较严重,彰武中部和南部地区沙化程度较轻。
The unstable grade is distributed in the north and northeast of the area. 不稳定级主要分布在北部和东北部部分地段;
There were 6 formation episodes of basins in Mesozoic in North and Northeast of China, e. g. 中国东北-华北中生代有六个成盆期。
There are numerous oil and gas fields in north and northeast China. 我国东北及华北地区是中、新生代陆相油气田集中分布域。
In accordance with the orientation, northeast and north northeast, of principal compressive stress in North China, the dominant orientation of the fast S wave polarization is northeast before the earthquake. 震前快S波偏振优势取向为北东向,符合华北地区主压应力方向为北东向和北北东向的特征。
In the Jin Dynasty, the transition of culture and spirit, had profound influence on the North and Northeast Asia's politics, military and culture at that time. 金代黑龙江流域的文化更新以及精神面貌的转换,深刻影响了当时北亚及东北亚地域的政治、军事和文化格局的演变。
China has 91 of 28 known variants, both North and South distribution, but the main distribution area is the Southwest, North and Northeast China. 我国已知有91种28个变种,南北方均有分布,但主要分布区是西南,华北及东北地区。
When westerly, southwest or northwest winds blowed in Shanghai, there was higher occurrence of haze, while north, northeast east or south-east wind could purify atmosphere leading to less haze. 当上海吹西风、西南风和西北风时容易出现灰霾天气,而北风、东北风、东风、东南风对大气有一定的净化作用,灰霾天气出现较少。
A large area of the saline-alkali land are mainly sited the northwest, north and northeast parts of China and the east coast region. 我国三北及沿海地区有大量盐碱地。
And the reduced areas of AOT are including North of Northeast China and the Southwest mountainous areas of China. AOT减少区主要分布在东北北部、陕西、山西以及我国的西南山区。
The Union of Myanmar, located in the west of Indochina Peninsula, is surrounded by Bangladesh in the west, India in the northwest, China in the north and northeast, Laos in the east and Thailand in the southeast. 缅甸联邦位于中南半岛西部,其西与孟加拉、西北与印度、北和东北与中国、东与老挝、东南与泰国毗邻。
The habitats of three target species are all concentrated in the north, northeast and southern hills and forest parks of Wuhan, but there is little distribution in the main urban areas, only scattered in the suburbs. 三个物种的生境均集中分布于北部、东北部的山区、南部的山岗丘陵一带以及武汉市各森林公园等地,但在主城区基本没有分布,在近郊也只有零星分布。
In China, leaf rust occurs serious in North and Northeast regions, particularly in Southwest and Yangtze River Valleys. 在中国,小麦叶锈病尤以西南和长江流域一带发生最重,华北和东北部分麦区也发生严重。
It is an important migratory pest in agro-pastoral areas of northern China, including North, Northeast and Northwest China. 在我国主要分布在华北、东北和西北地区,是我国北方农牧区重要的迁飞性害虫。
Look at other regions, East, South, Southwest region of rice are surplus grain regions, North, Northeast, Northwest still is a food-deficit regions, each region has significant differences exist. 另以各地区来看,华东、中南、西南地区稻米属于余粮地区,而华北、东北、西北地区仍属于缺粮地区,各地区有显着的差异性存在。
The maximum soil moisture is in the east of Tibetan Plateau, the next is south of Yangtze River and the north of Northeast China, and the minimum soil moisture is located in the desert region of Northwest China. 土壤湿度空间分布的高值区在青藏高原东部地区,其次为长江以南地区和东北北部地区,低值中心为西北沙漠地区。